Gearbox Artists are a prolific group of artists who not only exhibit in our Oakland gallery, but nationally and internationally. This is a rolling list their myriad exhibitions, publications and awards.

Jamie Treacy in
Patterns of Influence: Artists Who Teach – An international juried exhibition at the Painting Center in New York City
July 17-August 10, 2019

Marsha Balian and Katie McCann in
Collage by Women:
50 Essential Contemporary Artists
by Rebeka Elizegi

Marsha Balian & Katie McCann
East Bay Open Studios,
Map Pin 81 & 82
June 8/9 and 15/16

Irene Nelson paintings at
Ruby Livingdesign
1 Throckmorton Ave
Mill Valley, CA 94941

Tamera Avery in
Pulp, a group show
June 1 – July 11, 2019
Jen Tough Gallery
942 + 940 Tyler Street, Suite E,
Benicia, California, 94510

Marsha Balian in
If I Only Had Time to Tell You:
Personal Political, True or Fictional Tales,
juror, M. Lousie Stanley
February 8 – March 3, 2019
Route One Gallery
11101 Highway One, Ste. 1101
Point Reyes Station, CA 94956

Gina Telcocci & Tamera Avery in
Flora + Fauna, a group show
February 16 – March 21, 2019
Jen Tough Gallery
942 + 940 Tyler Street, Suite E,
Benicia, California, 94510

Marsha Balian in
For the Love of Art, Pop Up at the Bank
February – June 2019
Jen Perlmutter @ the Bank
3525 Mt. Diablo Blvd.
Lafayette, CA

Tamera Avery, First Place
in the Crocker-Kingsley Competition
Blue Line Arts
1405 Vernon Street, Suite #100
Roseville, CA
January 11 – February 23, 2019

Tamera Avery in
Wild Things
February 7 -10, 2019
Jen Tough Gallery Popup Exhibition
in San Francisco’s Dogpatch
1599 Tennessee Street, San Francisco, CA 94107

Tamera Avery in
The Salon at the Triton Competition
Triton Museum of Art,
1505 Warburton Avenue, Santa Clara, CA
November 3rd 2018 – January 20, 2019
Award: First Finalist Painting