770 West Grand Ave. | Oakland, CA | 94612 | 

Phone: 510-271-0822 | info@gearboxgallery.com

Hours: Thursday to Saturday 12-5pm | First Fridays 5-8pm

These four mobiles, made collaboratively by Deborah Benioff Friedman and her husband, Tom Russell, are a subset of a collection created to celebrate wordless communication. Living together during this time of shelter-in-place, the duo has developed a hyperawareness of gesture and mood, scent and nuance in their daily interactions. These moving sculptures are a part of that “listening in.” The work is about re-animation, restoring life from skeletal remnants, exposing the history laid down in every artifact, watching stories weave together and then move apart again as they float through space, finding lightness and lyricism in the chaotic process of growth and decay.

Please visit for more information and preview. https://rootdivisiontalk.wpcomstaging.com/gallery/deborah-benioff-friedman/

Deborah Benioff Friedman’s website: http://www.deborahbeniofffriedman.com