January 9 – February 8

Gearbox Main Gallery

Acrylic paintings by Jamie Treacy and mixed media ceramic sculpture by John Damian Boychuk.  Both artists explore and speculate upon a changing environment’s effect on the biological world.  Necessary Mutation invites the viewer to a world just beyond the familiar where life is changing and reinventing itself at an intimate and visceral scale. Treacy’s acrylic paintings depict a world that is both disorienting and alluring.  Lichens, fungi, and weathered rock formations metamorphose and congregate as if to express their sentience. Boychuk’s sculptures exist in a realm between the creaturely and the geologic. Blooming with strange shifts in color and sheen, Boychuk describes his sculptures as sentient beings beyond the hubris of Humanity. 

Opening Reception and Artists’ Talk: Saturday January 11 2pm – 4pm (talk begins at 2:30pm)

First Friday Reception: February 7, 6-9pm

Jamie Treacy, An Evening With a Bulbous Bio-form, acrylic on canvas, 21” x 16” | 2019
John Damian Boychuk; Bambi; Ceramic, Glazes, Wood, Paint, Resin, UV Archival Varnish, 49”X 13”X 17” | 2019