770 West Grand Ave. | Oakland, CA | 94612 | 

Phone: 510-271-0822 | [email protected]

Hours: Thursday to Saturday 12-5pm | First Fridays 5-8pm

April 16 – May 16, 2015

Ruth Santee focuses on screen shots of Google image searches as the foundation of her latest paintings. With a sure hand and chunky paint Santee converts digital snapshots of digital images captured on the small screen back into reality as objects, solidified and preserved as curious artifacts of online life.

Cameron Brian’s pieces are realized from screen shots of another era, the era of the silver screen. Commemorating the 75th Anniversary of the film Grapes of Wrath, Brian reconstructed elements of Weed Patch Camp, immortalized in the film and the foundation of his major sculptural installation, Federal Work Camp Experimental Model Project, recently on view at California State University at Bakersfield. Three of the Federal Work Camp Project pieces are on display at GearBox Gallery, including the spare and yet eloquent Screen Door (Green). The attention with which Brian addresses the work serves to remind us of the simplicity and austerity of an era largely at odds with the over availability of our current online existence.