770 West Grand Ave. | Oakland, CA | 94612 | 

Phone: 510-271-0822 | [email protected]

Hours: Thursday to Saturday 12-5pm | First Fridays 5-8pm

Tamera Avery: Off the Rails

A special installation in the Inner Room at GearBox Gallery: August 31 – September 23, 2017 The 2016 award winner from the Gearbox Gallery call for entries exhibtion, WILD/MIND, Avery shows new work in this Inner Room installation. “I am a San Francisco based visual artist working in oils to create large-scale paintings that consider the dynamic […]

blank slate: joseph mele

October 29 – November 28, 2015 This room was like a blank slate. It was like starting over and it was really very calming after a year of a lot of anxiety and a lot of new things and changes that sometimes felt like I was really falling apart but I wasn’t and I didn’t […]

the Princess Project: TaVee McAllister Lee

Site specific installation of 246 Sleeping Beauties each downloadedwithin the same 48 hour period in October, 2012. Showing in the Inner Room at GearBox Gallery October 1 – 24, 2015 n researching another project, I entered the Google search terms Sleeping Beauty Dress, Sleeping Beauty Costume, Sleeping Beauty Princess and was amazed at the array of […]

Ruth Santee: Line Up

August 27 – September 26, 2015 Ruth Santee portrait series in the Inner Room