Common Ground

Photography, fiber sculpture, painted wood

52”x 50”x 8”



“Common Ground” proposes a sanctuary of mutual respect and protection. The work envisions the beneficial relationships we cultivate when we protect each other and the environment on which we all depend.

“Common Ground” is a collaborative work by the co-founders of Artists Beyond Boundaries, Pamela Blotner and Mie Preckler, who share a lifelong concern about the environment and how it supports and impacts human and animal life. Blotner is drawn to sculptural form and texture, creating an interpretation or “”reenactment”” of an image or event as it has progressed. Preckler most often begins with a site, either condensing or editing the elements she finds there into a poetic interpretation of what she sees as its meaning. ‘When we work together, combining “”forces””, our different approaches to shared topics often serve as both a compliment and a counterpoint that enriches the final artwork